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I found Dr. Rubin and his staff to be extremely helpful with understanding my child and his needs. Although, I prefer office visits, the telemedicine worked well also.
Dr. Rubin was very kind and connected immediately with my child through zoom and was able to hold my 5 year old’s attention the entire time. Dr. Rubin was also helpful with ensuring I had all the information I needed to ensure my son’s needs are being met and how to prepare schools who will be working with my son throughout his educational journey. What I found most helpful was the amount of resources available to assist with any and all needs I have. I look forward to our follow up visit
We recently had a tele-appointment with Dr. Rubin. It was a wonderful experience as Dr Rubin was able to observe my son in his home environment.
He was able to provide instant feedback based on his observations and we have since been able to apply it to our daily routine.
I look forward to conducting future appointments via zoom with
Dr. Rubin
I will be honest, I had my doubts about the effectiveness of a telemedicine appointment. I am pleased to say that my concerns were completely unfounded. My son and I have had two video appointments with Dr. Rubin and they have been just as comprehensive and helpful as our regular in office visits.
I have been thrilled to see how much more engaged my son has been with Dr. Rubin. Also, he doesn't seem as anxious or on edge as he is during our normal appointments. He has loved being able to show off his toys, bike, and other aspects of his home life.
I find myself more relaxed during our telemedicine appointments and appreciate that the visits are free of distractions. I can really focus on what Dr. Rubin or his social worker, Susan, are telling me.
Plus, I LOVE not having to fight the traffic on 400! Thank you for having this option available to families during this uncertain time.
I used to be upset about what my child could not do, but now I am excited about what he CAN do!
You have been our advocate.
very helpful and understanding to our needs. Thank you for all that you do.
The telemedicine conference with
Dr. Rubin over the internet was very helpful for us. It gave us an incredible option to be able to meet with him, in spite of the coronavirus situation.
Our son even liked being able to talk with Dr. Rubin over the computer.
We think this method will prove to be useful at other times as well, saving us travel time and perhaps a few of our son’s complaints about appointments.
- Mr. and Mrs. N
We heard what we already knew but didn't want to hear. But at the same time we did leave with hope for a better future. Most importantly, we have a plan. You were life saving for us.
Very helpful and gave wonderful insight. Dr. Rubin was recommended by two families and I'm so grateful! His staff is awesome!!
-Bahati Monique Perkins Devane
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